Saturday, October 05, 2024

SCHOOLS: Public appreciation

| March 20, 2022 1:00 AM

I would like to thank our public-school educators for the hard work and professionalism they provide each day to improve the lives of our youth. I am speaking of our real public schools, where all children are accepted regardless of learning difficulties or lack of transportation.

Whether kids are on top of their game, needing some encouragement or desperately needing a place to belong, there is a place for them to get involved in our public schools. If it’s academics, the arts, athletics or service organizations, our public-school educators make sure quality programs exist.

We might disagree about which programs are most important, and how public education dollars could be better spent. What is indisputable is this; our communities are better places because real public schools provide a variety of educational opportunities for kids.

It is in our public schools where young people from all walks of life learn together and develop the American dream together. Properly funding and maintaining real public schools is our civic responsibility. It is our way of keeping the covenant that our forefathers made with all of America’s children.


Coeur d’Alene