Saturday, October 05, 2024

HOPE: For our community

| March 18, 2022 1:00 AM

Many of us profess to be guided by our Christian faith. Yet, it seems we continually need to be reminded there are rules of engagement, directives and behaviors required of us as Christians.

These codes of conduct must reflect Truth, Loving Kindness, Honor and Integrity of the Heart.

Our faith teaching instructs us to love our neighbor as ourselves, to do nothing from rivalry or conceit but in humility … counting others more significant than ourselves.

Hatred stirs up strife. It is written, ALL WE DO should be done in Love.

May we take pause, and honestly examine our own intentions. And upon personal reflection, would we encounter rebellion, words intent to dishonor, dissension, hidden agendas, or hatred? It is my hope and prayer that we restore our thinking, and that our actions will be those which bring reverence to our faith and kindness to one another.

