Sunday, October 13, 2024

DEMOCRATS: Control isn’t working

| March 11, 2022 1:00 AM

It’s a miracle! “Science” now tells us COVID is no longer a threat, “Go maskless” just days before Mid-Term Joe’s dishonest State of the Union and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Never forget just before Joe’s plummeting approval ratings and his SOTU focus on Ukraine, his Administration was totally focused on unvaccinated folks, mandating vaccinations over and over and over, in perpetuity — zero interest in early treatment for those newly diagnosed with COVID-19/or a variant.

It’s estimated 85% of COVID deaths could’ve been avoided with early treatments. What was so wrong with taking monoclonal antibodies BEFORE becoming critically ill? Maybe, just maybe, we didn’t have to be hospitalized on ventilators.

Does common sense ever come into play or is Lord Fauci and his “science” the final word?! — it certainly was for hundreds of thousands who died from COVID. Joe’s CDC and Czar Fauci should’ve immediately made these treatments/options available.

Do Obamabidenites ever consider the devastation to young people forced into masks and vaccinations (criminal! child abuse?!) with lifetime possibilities of chronic and mental illness? The Democrat agenda of fear, fear, fear — mask doubling, jab, jab, jab — CONTROL — is simply taking on new looks as they seize upon other agendas of fear.

COVID variants aren’t over. Ol’ Joe will ride the COVID horse as long as possible. After all, COVID Theater got him elected and served him well for two years. Joe says “Forget all of this! Forget Afghanistan, skyrocketing inflation, DEfunding police, U.S. buying 670,000 barrels of Russian oil daily, our Southern borders wide open to Fentanyl and maskless millions, revitalization of Iran Nuclear Deal…!!” WHAT? C’mon Man! Also, $4/gallon gas IS 100% JOE’S fault! We WILL NOT forget!


Coeur d’Alene