Saturday, May 04, 2024

Op-Ed: Support full-day kindergarten

The Idaho Legislature is currently considering proposals which would help provide full-day kindergarten options for local communities across the state. United Way has helped support full day early learning programs in many communities in Idaho and the results are win-win-win.

Idaho’s children win by having access to high-quality learning designed specifically to give them the skills and tools to read, work with numbers and interact with others. All things every child needs to go on to their most successful self in life and career.

Idaho’s working parents in large and small communities win by having additional options for young children during the day that matches schedules of older children in the household.

Idaho’s communities win when our children have a strong, rich start in life which sets them up to be capable employees, homeowners and community leaders when they grow up.

United Way’s ALICE data (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed tells us that 40% of Idahoans are struggling to make ends meet each month. The numbers in some Idaho Counties are even higher. Our neighbors are working hard, but the cost of housing, food, health services, transportation is rising faster than their income. When households struggle, the young people in those households also struggle. Expanding learning opportunities through the expansion to full day kindergarten will provide direct and immediate benefit to many, many Idaho families.

The Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce has seen the positive impact full day kindergarten has on member employees and understand the benefits it provides in developing a future workforce.

We can improve the educational landscape in Idaho for our young learners. Making full-day kindergarten accessible to all Idaho children, no matter where they live or their parent’s ability to pay is win-win-win.

Raise your hand and share your voice. Let your local Legislator know you support full day kindergarten.

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Mark Tucker, executive director, United Way of North Idaho

Jason Livingston, president, United Way of North Idaho Board of Directors

Linda Coppess, president and CEO, Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce

Rick Rasmussen, CEO, Northwest Specialty Hospital; chairman, Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors


Jason Livingston


Linda Coppess


Rick Rasmussen