Sunday, October 06, 2024

PRESS: Disrespectful coverage

| March 4, 2022 1:00 AM

Idaho is often portrayed as ‘the’ most conservative state, and Kootenai Co. is a Mecca for such citizens. It has become far more difficult to practice such beliefs due to our newspaper — the Coeur d’Alene Press. Political representatives here gain office by promising to be our voices in Boise, but, our politicians often sing a far different tune when ‘down south!’ This FACT goes “unnoticed” by our Coeur d’Alene Press.

Every effort is now made to portray conservative citizens — who have different views from our Press — as right wing extremists. Our paper uses blatant promotions of anti-citizen concepts while trying to portray itself as fair minded. Examples: The total absence of support when we promote far better public schools. And, after a vote of 80% against a half way house, the City Council still promotes the concept with Coeur d’Alene Press’ support.

Most of our newer citizens have moved here to escape ‘absurdly managed’ states and cities. Since that’s the case, a simple testing process was designed to determine ‘actual’ conservative values of candidates. THAT apparently provoked political WAR. Then, even the addition of hundreds of a new absentee ballots ‘scheme’ brought no comment from our newspaper. Again, ‘selective’ coverage’ typical of the New York Times.

Our newspapers continues to act like we are a ‘minority colony’ to be thwarted. The Coeur d’Alene Press and city and county offices pretend to listen only as our numbers indicate that we are ‘the’ predominant political group. Citizens are owed a fair newspaper. We hope that The Press starts to actually listen and represent the majority voice.


Post Falls