Monday, October 07, 2024

UKRAINE: Most helpless feeling

| March 2, 2022 1:00 AM

Being an American, a citizen of the most powerful nation on Earth, while 40 million freedom-loving Ukrainians’ lives, fortunes and prospects of future freedom are being crushed right before our eyes — that’s an utterly helpless feeling! Makes me ashamed.

Why weren’t the so-called sanctions put on when the bellicose Putin first started threatening his neighbor? Our former U.N. ambassador Haley described Ukraine as our best friend in that useless body where Russia (alone) can veto a resolution condemning THEIR OWN invasion of Ukraine! Even China was too embarrassed to vote. Where are the U.N. “peace keeping” forces?

Just the other day we were sending an additional $350M in aid — that’s a staggering $1 per American! Reminds me of the LBJ “guns and butter” days of Vietnam when he said we’ll fight that “little war (15 years and 50K+ American lives — and we lost it to the Communists!) over there” and have prosperity at home…

So, we’re starting our food drives and lighting our buildings with the Ukrainian flag colors to show our “support” for likely 100,000+ refugees and possibly 100,000+ DEATHS of our true friends.

Wilson World War I, FDR World War II, Truman Korea, Johnson Vietnam, Obama Crimea, Biden Afghanistan, Biden Ukraine — see a trend? Next? Biden Taiwan? Biden South Korea?

PRAY that our beloved country doesn’t end up on the ash heap of history. I find it interesting that in Bible prophecy America or the rest of the western hemisphere doesn’t appear to play any role at all. God help us! I weep for my country.


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