Saturday, October 12, 2024

JAN. 6 HEARINGS: Truth is not partisan

| June 24, 2022 1:00 AM

I sincerely hope that Americans are listening to the Jan. 6 Committee hearings, or at least getting evening recaps on the proceedings. This is basic American civics — to keep informed with issues so vital to our democracy and its future.

These hearings are thorough, nonpartisan, and critical to understanding the events of Jan. 6 and those leading up to it, as well as to confronting our former president’s culpability in threatening our country’s foundational values.

The witnesses testifying are not vindictive Democrats trying to frame a former president. They are for the most part Republicans (most of whom voted for Donald Trump), close advisers to the former president, Trump family members, Trump-appointed DOJ officials (including his own former attorney general Bill Barr), dedicated state and election officials, and even Trump himself in the form of tweets and recorded phone calls. (Some 30 other witnesses — all Republican — simply didn’t show up, took the 5th, or requested a pardon.)

These testimonies are not designed to cherry-pick facts to create a narrative. They provide a wide perspective on events, both visual and audio, laying out exactly what could have robbed us of our country’s democratic core values — all because of the “power-at-any-cost” attitude of Donald Trump.

Listen to the witnesses. Research the issues and examine the facts. We cannot simply seal ourselves in a sardine can and marinate in unfounded conspiracy theories. We owe it to our children and to the future of our country to make the right choice here and ensure this travesty does not happen again.

Truth is not partisan. It’s simply the truth.


Coeur d’Alene