Wednesday, May 08, 2024

MILITARY SPENDING: Accounting needed in Ukraine

| July 27, 2022 1:00 AM

Do you support the U.S. helping Ukraine? If yes why? Do you support Ukraine because they are fighting for Democracy or because of Russia’s invasion?

Let’s say you said yes to everything. So far it has cost the American taxpayer $54 billion. Our government has acknowledged that they have no accounting of where those supplies have gone and for what. That’s $54 billion of aid and no one knows where it winds up, how it is used. We don’t even know if they know how to use some of these sophisticated weapons.

Sources say some of these weapons go on the black market. Supplies are driven off in cars, vans, trucks and no one knows where exactly they are being delivered to!

So far we have committed an unlimited supply of military weapons and it also appears we have no end game. How long do we the taxpayer keep an open tab of our tax money?

I say no more aid should go without an auditor from our government, actually seeing where our tax dollars go. We should also deploy weapon specialists to see that the equipment is used properly.

Maybe that’s asking too much of our government, before they spend our tax money, just saying.


Coeur d’Alene