Saturday, July 06, 2024

ANNIVERSARY: Thanks to couple who paid for meal

| July 24, 2022 1:00 AM

My bride of 38 years and I decided to have our anniversary meal at Syringa this evening (July 21). We told our server that we were celebrating at our favorite eatery and she congratulated us and served us our excellent meal.

When the couple sitting at the table behind us got up to leave, the wife leaned over and said she’d heard what I told our server and congratulated us also. I thanked her and said that made our evening all the better. After the couple left, our server came to our table and said that the couple had paid for our entire meal! My bride and I were stunned and our server said, “There are still some good people in this world.”

Amen to that! My bride and I hope to be able to do the same for a loving couple one of these days.

To our benefactors, should you read this: Thank you so very much! Our 38th anniversary is truly the most memorable. You are a blessing to us.

