Saturday, October 12, 2024

HOLY MOMENT: Be safe on the water

| July 22, 2022 1:00 AM

Hauser Lake has been our home for the past 53 years. We raised three sons who have become educators and an electrical engineer, three special daughters-in-law and six precious grandchildren.

For the past few years, two of our sons have made it a tradition to swin(race) across Hauser Lake (1.3 miles) after the Fourth of July. They have entertained fishermen, kayakers, etc. In our boat, my husband and I stay close to them with flags held high to alert other water craft. Everyone is royalty entertained with our sons’ laughter, joking around, teasing each other and a little name calling. Everyone within earshot has fun.

This year our sons were joined by a daughter-in-law, two 21-year-old grandchildren, a 13-year-old and an 11-year-old. We would like to thank those of you who watched this fun time and hope you enjoyed it, and thank you for giving them “safe passage.”

Then came the “Holy Moment” when a large, fast moving boat pulling a water skier came from nowhere with several people on board who were all laughing and having fun while the driver wasn’t watching where he was going. We had seven family members, plus my husband and I waving flags, and all of us waving arms and screaming to get their attention.

It was like time stood still for us. In that moment of fright and yelling, I realized how quickly a life can be taken away because of a lack of awareness or the thrill of scaring someone. With seven of our family members in harms way … in that last moment that boat swerved … a “holy moment.” My husband and I have experienced several holy moment times in our lifetime. This was the most precious one.

With so many kayakers on this lake, along with fishing boats with families of all ages, please consider the safety of one another because “you” are also in harms way and those of us in or on the water don’t stand a chance with recklessness.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and look for your “holy moments.”


Hauser Lake