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ADVERTISING: Advertorial — What to do with a new crystal

by CARI HOFFMAN/The Clarity Center
| July 20, 2022 1:00 AM

Firstly, congrats on your new crystal buddy I'm sure you will make fast friends! I know you are eager and ready to start connecting to your crystal. There are two essential steps that should be taken whenever you bring a new crystal into your life. Cleansing and programming ( intention setting) are two fast, simple and effective ways to begin to integrate your crystal into your life.

Upon your new crystal's arrival, I would highly suggest cleansing it. Your new stone has made a long journey from deep inside Mother Earth, to your home and could use a good energetic cleanup. Take a moment to appreciate all the steps and stops your new stone has made to get to you.


To start this process of cleansing hold the intention in your mind that any energies that are no longer serving you or your crystal will be cleared away. Next, move on to any of the below-listed clearing rituals that call to you at the moment.

1) You may choose to enlist the help of sage or Santo Palo.

Simply light the end of your preferred smudging tool and let the smoke wash over the crystal. This will clear and carry away any energies that no longer serve your greatest and highest good.

2) You may also use sound vibration to cleanse and re-amp your crystal's energy. Try using ting shaws, a singing bowl, or even clag two pots together. Simply place your crystal down and begin to create sound around your crystal. Sound will help the crystal vibrate to its fullest potential.

3) Lastly, you could simply say a prayer over your crystal asking for it to be cleared from any previous energies held.

Next, you will want to set your crystal to work!

Did you know you can "program" your crystal and give them a job? Crystals are eager to help you reach your goals and reach your highest potential. They can help guide you to greater peace, feeling more love in your life, attract abundance, and boost confidence. The possibilities are endless. Some people choose an intention by researching specific properties of a crystal, while others choose one based solely on intuition. It just takes just a few minutes and a goal in mind to program your crystal intentions.

To begin your intention setting ritual find a comfortable seat and hold your chosen crystal in your hands. Take a few slow deep breaths to relax your body and mind, next state your intention for this crystal. Something like… "I program this crystal to help me feel joy in all areas of my life." Repeat this in your mind as you imagine this intention as a beam of light moving from your third eye and into the crystal and setting it aglow. Take a few minutes to really firm up this invention by repeating it in your mind, and feeling it physically in your body. Also, begin to feel the connection you are beginning to set with your crystal. Stay in this meditative state as long as you like. Your crystal is now working hard for you. It's that simple.

Place your crystal someplace you can gaze upon it through the day to connect back to this intention. Make it your best friend for a few days, meditate with it, hold it, wear it, or carry it in your pocket. By doing this you will only help grow your connection and intentions.

With these two simple steps of cleansing and intention setting, you and your crystal have started down a magical road. This journey will be a fulfilling exploration into the crystal kingdom.

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Cari Hoffman is the owner of the Clarity Center.

Stop by The Clarity Center for more information or to see their selection of crystals, gems and healing items — 6848 N. Government Way, Unit 116 and 117, Dalton Gardens, ID 83815,