Friday, March 14, 2025

Youth Sports: Jan. 5, 2022: Swimming, basketball and more

| January 5, 2022 1:00 AM


Indoor swim lessons: Monday, Jan. 10, will be registration for the next six-week session of indoor swim lessons sponsored by the Coeur d’Alene Recreation Department and held at the Kootenai Health Therapeutic Pool.

Classes offered are for 3-9 years of age, with different swim levels available. Classes offered will be either Monday or Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings. Classes start the week of Jan. 17. There will not be Parent-Tot classes offered this session. Registration will take place at the Coeur d’Alene City Hall Recreation Department, 710 Mullan Ave.

The registration fee is $45. There is limited registration. No pre-registration is allowed. COVID-19 restrictions are still in effect at the hospital, which will require masking for the one parent that is allowed to attend and social distancing for the parent. No additional siblings will be allowed to attend unless they are in a swim class.

Submit items for youth and non-varsity high school sports by noon Tuesday for publication Wednesday. Email stories and photos (in .jpg format) to

Information: 208-664-8176, Ext. 2019