Sunday, October 13, 2024

POLITICS: Lower flag, remove bumper sticker

| February 25, 2022 1:00 AM

I am not naive to the fact that whatever I might write, which happens to be published, there stands a very low probability anyone would be swayed to my position that previously did not already share some facsimile of it, especially if the subject matter centers around strongly held political views.

In this political climate especially, there tends to be a zero-sum game almost every time in matters of persuasion. This is evidenced by the little bipartisan progress we are experiencing in our decisively divided government. The larger question then remains: How will we, the people, ever get beyond this impasse?

What would happen if we just simply started modeling our behavior after those ideals that seem to have stood the test of time?

What if we started by heeding the advice of our grandparents, and avoid topics of politics and religion in mixed company?

Rather than wanting to know who someone voted for, which seems to be a tacit sentiment, before even considering helping them cross the proverbial street, holding a door open for them, or offering a friendly wave, what if we just started doing it again?

What if discretion really is the better part of valor? If it is, perhaps toleration would preempt the propensity to fly political flags and display tasteless bumper stickers.

After all, is it not a foregone conclusion that you are not changing anyone’s mind?


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