Thursday, October 10, 2024

UNDER SIEGE: A rebuttal

| February 6, 2022 1:00 AM

Please allow me to disagree with your Feb. 2, 2022, editorial “Pull the plug on meeting disruptions.”

She was right on one point: Our community is under siege. It is under siege, but not from the parents and concerned citizens who are fed up. It is under siege by the politicians, school boards and a left-wing education system that are doing their best to rewrite history and disrespect this great country.

Her solution is to sign a “behavior sheet” prior to being allowed into a public forum and then sending people to anger management classes.

Yes, people are angry. Angry at the politicians who don’t represent them, angry at school boards and administrators who force their personal views onto our children in an attempt to influence their young minds, angry at libraries that censor us by removing books of historical significance and replacing them with their “wokeness” ideals.

It is not a time in our history to be silent. We’ve been silent for too long and look at the world we are living in. Imagine if our founding fathers were silent. It is time to take a stand and let the vocal minority know that we won’t be silenced.

I offer no apology for parents that are frustrated at how their children are being taught. They are being subjected to a failing education system. Look at where we are ranked in the world in math, science and reading. Almost all near the bottom. Our universities are failing us by offering vulgar, offensive classes. Foreign students are overwhelmingly our engineering and medical schools. Our kids continue to fall further and further behind.

Sorry to disagree with the author, but silencing a concerned citizenry is not the answer.

Shout out to Charter Academy in Coeur d’Alene. They do a great service to our children.


Coeur d’Alene