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Best friend rallies for mom in throes of cancer, loss

Staff Writer | December 17, 2022 1:00 AM

In the wake of unspeakable tragedy and an unexpected cancer diagnosis, friends are rallying around Post Falls mom Kristy Gibbs and her children.

Gibbs, 38, is a 2002 Post Falls High School graduate and a single mom. She has been in good health and has long worked hard to give her children a good life.

In October, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, for which she recently underwent surgery and is now unable to work.

"I’ve just been in bed, trying to recover," Gibbs said Friday. "It's pretty shocking news for being only 38. It’s still unbelievable."

Then, in November, her world turned upside down when her brother, Cody Stoddard, sister-in-law Megan Stoddard and unborn nephew were killed in a car wreck that also claimed the life of her sister-in-law's mother, Crystal Jensen.

"They were going to the casino to play bingo and have some dinner," Gibbs said. "A driver swerved into their lane. They were instantly killed, all of them.

"You just go through periods where you don't feel like it’s real," Gibbs said. "You just feel like they're home. It’s been hard to process."

Gibbs' longtime best friend, Rachel Nowoj of Coeur d'Alene, could not helplessly sit by.

"We share a sisterhood friendship," Nowoj said. "We do a lot together."

Nowoj started a GoFundMe campaign to raise $10,000 for her bestie to help lift the burden of medical bills and help make sure she and her three kids — Caden, 4, Kaylee, 12, and Kamarae, 14 — have food on the table and keep up with daily expenses in this difficult time.

"It's all so much to go through for one family in just two months," Nowoj said. "Everything is so traumatic that happened. She’s going to really need the community to help her through this, with regular day-to-day living expenses for her and her children. I just really think the community comes together when stuff like this happens."

Gibbs said she and the kids are managing the best they can.

"I’ve been having my little one home with me from day care because there was an RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) outbreak. He is trying to get over a cold he’s had for two months,” Gibbs said. "My dad flew here from Florida to help me. He’s been a huge help."

Gibbs was surprised, but touched that Nowoj started the campaign to rally support for her and the kids. Gibbs said the most important thing getting her through the diagnosis and tragic loss of her family members is her faith in Jesus.

"When I found out about my cancer, the only thing that helped my overwhelming anxiety, inability to eat or get out of bed was to reach out to Him, restore my relationship and faith and surround myself with people who loved Him that were able to show me His love," Gibbs said.

Nowoj said prayers — lots of them — are requested.

"If you have the means to help this beautiful family, it would be very much appreciated in this time of uncertainty," she said.

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Courtesy photo

Rachel Nowoj, right, is rallying the community around her best friend Kristy Gibbs, left, a single mom of three who is in the throes of breast cancer and mourning the loss of several family members who died in a car crash in November. "Everything is so traumatic that happened," Nowoj said. "She’s going to really need the community to help her through this."