Thursday, October 10, 2024

NIC: ‘It all smells’

| December 14, 2022 1:00 AM

I got a chuckle from Skip Jiru’s Letter to the Editor, describing the results of recent NIC Board of Trustee actions as “Clown Car Races.” Very clever. I then moved to the front page to see the story about our new college president being placed on administrative leave by the board. What?!? I literally could not believe what I was reading. I’ve since read the expanded story online and look forward to The Press digging further. I am totally confused as to the motivations of the new majority bloc on the board. I’m convinced that they want to burn the college down. But why?

The past actions of Banducci and his crew have cost the college literally millions of dollars in pay (to a president who deserved every penny of his post-termination salary), legal settlements, executive search fees, increased insurance premiums and loss of money from longtime donors and supporters. And what has been the cost of institutional knowledge as many upper level employees have fled the school?

So much appears to be discussed and motions crafted by trustees outside from legal open meetings. The plan to place President Swayne on administrative leave. The idea to bring back Sebaaly as interim president. The hiring of a new attorney and the generous compensation he is receiving compared to the college’s quite qualified, recently departed legal counsel. Frankly, it all smells.

Which brings me back to Skip Jiru’s characterization of the situation. He missed the mark. The two words that come to my mind when I read about all of this are “Show,” preceded by a foul four-letter word not fit for publication in a family newspaper.


Hayden Lake