Wednesday, October 09, 2024

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Sacred geometry

by CARI HOFFMAN/The Clarity Center
| April 20, 2022 1:00 AM

Sacred geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of creation organizes itself. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes.

The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, flower petals, crystals, a shell, the stars, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms are created out of geometric codes.


Through observing and contemplating sacred geometric shapes/codes, they can reveal deep wisdom, opening up to life and creation of the Universe itself. Certainly, they have for me, as I have explored them through my own healing and empowerment journey.

It is believed that the ancients considered that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and were significant to higher consciousness and self-awareness. Sacred geometry amplifies our connection to spirit, and creates harmony within ourselves, and between ourselves and the outside world. It is often called “sacred architecture” because it underlies everything and is woven into the fabric of all creation.

Further, in addition to our physical realm, it is said we have a “Lightbody & Merkabah,” which is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and links you and you as a multidimensional self, with the infinite universe.

Sacred geometry as I have worked with it, contains high frequencies of energy and light that can activate, heal, awaken and transform. The symbols are like codes that assist you in your journey of life, but also can be used more consciously to bring about deep soul awakening and connection to our true divine essence. It can be used to open up pathways and doorways to the infinite realms, as well as the connection to the oneness of all life, in nature and the whole world around us.

Sacred geometry brings about certain effects of healing, harmonizing and rebalancing on all levels. It connects the inner and outer, uniting all.

Platonic Solids, Atomic Structures and Crystals

So, the stunning crystal forms we’re all attracted to are no accident.

These fascinating visible forms mirror the symmetries of the structure of the very atoms forming the crystal.

When we look closely at the Periodic Table of Elements and the formation of the atoms themselves, we see the Platonic solids (the basis of sacred geo) at work. In fact, the newest science is now showing us that atoms are not teeny tiny little solid particles but instead are actually super-small packets of energy that appear as various Platonic Solids comprised of teeny-tiny sub-atomic energy packets contained by and whizzing around within those Platonic Solids shapes.

Going further, when you start to put atoms together to make molecules of various compounds, the molecular structure is actually based on the cube (the most basic of the five Platonic solid shapes) and then evolves into other more complex Platonic solids from there (because each Platonic solid can be derived from the cube).

Here are photos of how Pyrite and Fluorite grow naturally into cubes because of their molecular structures:

Crystal growth-environment fluids are highly sensitive and receptive to any vibrations that are passing through them, which in turn, will influence how the crystal’s molecules organize and will finally solidify. This vibrational influence can be expressed either in the crystal’s molecular structure (that requires a specialized microscope to actually see) or can be clearly visible to the naked eye in the final shape of the larger crystal formation. Depending on the mineral, some don’t ever get to grow into a visible crystal shape with large defined individual crystals, but all minerals have an ordered crystalline structure to their molecules at the micro-level. This is what qualifies them as a crystal.

Through vibration and sacred geometry, source energy has encoded ordered info into the minerals.


As the study of cymatics has shown us, the vibrations visually express themselves naturally as sacred geometry (as crystals do) and that “frozen music” (or encoded structural info) is programmed within our crystals as they form… as it’s most likely programmed within everything, including us as we form.

Through cymatics, we’ve explored how geometric patterning affects EVERYTHING on a vibrational level. I feel that the unique property that minerals have to crystallize the sacred geometric coding they receive through the energetic vibrations allows them to have clear communication between us and the entire universe. And when we consciously work with crystals, they quite effectively CLARIFY that convo between us and source energy. Through working more closely and intentionally with our crystals, I also feel we start to learn and understand more about these subjects. We start to understand on a deeper level that crystals are really a conduit to the nature of reality itself. It also awakens a thirst to want to explore and learn more.

Immersing ourselves in this work allows us to get into resonance with the harmonic frequencies of source energy, allowing us to resonate more efficiently, so we can communicate more efficiently. Next thing you know, you’re a Manifesting Machine! It allows you to become more coherent with this energy.

When the energies resonate, the effectiveness of the feedback loop is amplified and info is transferred more easily with less effort. You’re tapping into the ALL, into the collective consciousness, into source energy. You can become an even more supreme conscious being than you already are by realizing your connection to all of this and the language of the universe… tapping into just the right frequency necessary to communicate with source energy.

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Cari Hoffman is the owner of the Clarity Center.

Stop by The Clarity Center for more information or to see their selection of crystals, gems and healing items — 6848 N. Government Way, Unit 116 and 117, Dalton Gardens, ID 83815,