Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Rebuttal to narcissism in Democratic Party

by LYNDON HARRIMAN/Guest Opinion
| April 9, 2022 1:00 AM

After reading the outrageous opinion piece by Karen Parrish Norskog concerning the Democratic Party, I simply have to reply.

About the only statement she makes that is factual and accurate is the portrayal of Democrats as being empathetic. Most of us are empathetic, because we care about our fellow human beings. We try to help people achieve a better life for all American citizens regardless of their political affiliation, race, creed, color, gender or sexual orientation.

So, let's examine how actual Republicans, GOP members, at the city, county, state and national levels exhibit narcissistic tendencies. To be fair, let’s use Karen’s 12 points and reference of major politicians for each.

1) Being overly boastful, exaggerating one’s own achievements. Come on, even Republicans would have to admit past President Trump has this quality in excess. He was always bragging about his accomplishments: greatest rally ever, biggest crowd ever, greatest mind ever, greatest president ever. Not one Democrat I know goes around bragging about how great they are.

2) Pretending to be superior to others. Who can forget, ex-President Trump, mocking the handicapped reporter at one of his public speaking venues, by slapping his bent hand against his chest while making a face and commenting about the person’s disabilities? That’s obviously acting superior by pointing out another person’s challenges. As to making faces and shaking one’s head while another person is speaking, I think most of us do that when we disagree with what that person is saying. It is, after all, a natural response.

3) Lack of empathy for others. For starters, reference Trump and the reporter’s interaction in the above paragraph. Examining the “riots” that occurred during protests in large cities across the United States, looters were opportunists who arrived to take advantage of the situation. Most were not there to peacefully protest and definitely were not Democrats.

4) Looking down on others as inferior. Well Trump and the reporter, is a classic example of someone looking down on another as inferior. David Reilly looking down on Jewish people and all nonwhites is another classic example. Conservative voters, those who want things to stay the same or return to a simpler time and vote that way, have every right to do so and should not be called names.

5) Monopolizing conversations. Your statement, “Whenever both parties are represented…” welcome to Idaho. In our state, the voices of the Democratic Party are muted, if not silent, in most areas of the state and have been for the past 20 years. At the national level, both senators and both House members from Idaho are Republicans, the governor, lt. governor, 28 of the 35 senators are Republican as are a majority of the House of Representatives. All political offices at the county level are held by Republicans, as are the mayors of Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene. So where exactly is our representation and our voice? We don’t have any.

6) Impatient, angry, unhappy, depressed or has mood swings when criticized. I am unfamiliar with Democrats attacking Republicans, but I have personally experienced being attacked by Republicans. For example, I was cussed out and sworn at by a delivery driver for having a Biden sticker in my home’s window. Being warned by walkers on my street “You’d better take that @#$%$#@ Biden flag down” while raking my yard during the election season is another example.

7) Easily disappointed when expected importance is not given. First, Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. She does not and can not make mandates. So, Karen saying she made a mask mandate is ludicrous. Who does make blanket recommendations with the force of a mandate is the KCRCC. Not only endorsing candidates for partisan office but also for nonpartisan races.

8) Always craves for the best in everything. I believe it is the job of the government to help struggling members of the population achieve an adequate level of life. Certainly not free or extravagant, but a hand up not a hand out.

9) Has a very fragile self-esteem. You don’t have an example, but I do. Trump sure qualifies. Everything about him is the best, largest, greatest etc. or it's fake news. After all, every report, evidential examination, fact-finding excursion that found he lost the election is wrong and he’s right, because he just can’t be wrong.

10) Accuses others of what they themselves are doing/pretending to be members of their opponent’s party. Again, REALLY? You must not live in North Idaho, where for the last month, print, online and televised news sources have examined the Republican plot to infiltrate the Democratic Party to take it over, assume its leadership and direct all its funds toward the endorsed Republican candidates. This plot is on tape available to the public.

11) Ignoring facts, including history. I agree, the original Democratic Party was formed by slave owners from pre-Civil War era. That was then, now over 150 years later, the Democratic Party has evolved. We are the party of the people, ALL PEOPLE, unlike the party that is concerned about the wealthy, privileged and elite, like Republicans.

12) Media promotion of leftist agenda. Well for starters, you just called Democrats leftists, followed by, “Toxic Socialist-Democratic Party.” Yet earlier, you bemoaned the fact that Democrats called Republicans names, as you continue to display name calling throughout your article. No one wants to destroy capitalism, as you are so fond of saying. We want to reign it in so outright abuses of capitalism aren’t allowed to continue. A classic example is in pharmaceuticals. Diabetics need insulin to survive, yet they may skip doses since they can’t pay thousands of dollars each month to properly care for themselves. That’s why Congress passed a law to limit monthly costs of insulin to $35.

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Lyndon Harriman is a Post Falls resident.