Thursday, April 25, 2024

BIDEN: Worst president

| September 17, 2021 1:00 AM

After reading Ron Dayton’s letter, I couldn’t let this BS go unchallenged. It’s like he lives in a bubble!

Joe Biden has done tremendous damage to this country in only eight months. Just to name a few: wide open borders with no control of who is coming into our country (obviously there are COVID spreaders among the throngs), inflation is out of control — just look at gas and grocery prices, defund the police attitudes in all the liberal cities, we are no longer energy independent, and most of all, if you are at all honest, Biden is clueless and incompetent. He simply is not cognizant, probably due to dementia or something similar.

As for Afghanistan, just ask the families of the 13 heroes who lost their lives due to Biden’s absolute dismal decision making.

Ron Dayton says, “Biden had the balls to end the war.” Well, that decision was already made under the Trump administration with a conditional withdrawal. It is absolutely the way he handled the withdrawal that created this mess we are in.

Biden did not listen to the advice of the intelligence community and many of his military people. He thought he knew better and has left many American citizens stranded in a hopeless situation, as well as $80 billion of our military equipment.

It will be a miracle if we survive the remaining three-plus years with Biden and his left-wing agenda.

Lastly, I believe Biden is so weak and ineffective that his minions are controlling him and making a lot of the decisions for him. Biden is unqualified and not courageous!


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