Saturday, October 12, 2024

POLLS: You can do better

| September 10, 2021 1:00 AM

The op-ed published Aug. 29 and written by what appears to be three very smart people, Jim Jones, Dr. David Pate and Mike Satz, ended with a very poor attempt to solidify their point.

In this case, a poll?

The writers cited a USA Today poll as though it was the defining moment, the one thing to end any and all arguments or hesitancy to getting vaccinated.

A poll; really?

Anyone remember the polls that predicted Hillary winning in 2016?

How about the polls that predicted the blue wave in 2020?

How about the polls that had Biden winning certain conservative districts in various states?

All were wrong.

Here’s a poll for those three writers, and readers I guess:

A recent poll from the University of Pittsburgh categorized people into six education levels.

The two most vaccine-hesitant groups: people with no more than a high school education and those with Ph.D.s.

The Ph.D. group was actually highest in hesitancy. Go figure.

A recent CNN poll revealed 72% of respondents were against vaccine requirements to go shopping.

Point is, if anyone believes “72% of Americans support mask mandates and 61% endorse vaccination requirements,” you’ve either got your head up your — eeerrr — down in the sand.

Or your only source of information, truth and how you’ll make a decision is USA Today ... and polls, apparently.

