Saturday, September 07, 2024

ADVICE: For the unvaccinated

| October 13, 2021 1:00 AM

We don’t need no stink-king vaccination. I concocted The Cure.

First, pour in equal measures of ivermectin, bleach and hydroxychloroquine, add eye of newt and liberal amounts of stupidity. If you have a UV ray gun, zap away. If not, nuke the elixir in the microwave for two minutes.

Before chugging The Cure, rant for five minutes about freedom and privacy and, uh, constitutional rights. Yeah, that’s right — constitutional rights. And then threaten violence against as many mask wearers as you can find.

But here’s the important part: Make sure you have end-of-life instructions rejecting a ventilator at Kootenai Health and a will for whom you want your stuff to go to.

Now, bottoms up!


Kootenai County