Wednesday, October 09, 2024

DEMOCRATS: Bad for society

| November 10, 2021 1:00 AM

Time after time, after reading the Coeur d’Alene Press, one would think only the Republicans are the bad guys!

As far as what the Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat “understands” about North Idaho, who cares. Don’t you understand that the west side of Washington has long considered Idaho the Appalachians of the West? We are a wonderful place to live, but don’t forget, we are “a little behind” as one transplanted Seattle person said.

Behind what? Heaping mounds of trash running down the sides of the freeways?

Our way of life — our freedom, our security and hope for a prosperous future — is at risk. The Biden White House has taken deficit spending to dangerous levels, halted construction of our southern border wall, ignored critical need to create jobs, pushed non-stop for more taxes to fuel even bigger government-implemented inflation-causing economic policies, and blatantly encroached upon our freedoms.

Joe Biden as president is working with Nancy Pelosi and the liberal Democrats in Congress and the Blue states to raise taxes, initiate the radical environmental plan known as the Green New Deal, provide “free” college tuition, throw open our borders to illegal immigration (have a clue about spreading the virus), put the U.N. in charge of our foreign policy, restrict political speech (especially Trump supporters), ban popular firearms, eliminate the electoral college, abolish ICE, limit constitutional rights and take every step they can to initiate Big Government Socialism and Marxist ideology in America.

This is not good for our society!


Coeur d’Alene