Friday, July 26, 2024

DALTON: No confidence in mayor

| May 28, 2021 1:00 AM

Many have weighed in on the situation in Dalton Gardens. Unfortunately, the kerfuffle was created by a savvy mayor and an eager Press reporter more interested in sensation than reality. The result was predictable: The public wrongly calling for the resignation of the only three people acting rationally throughout this entire ordeal: the council members.

Those attending the recent City Council meeting came with only one side of the story, and that side was rife with misrepresentations and outright lies, all of which was printed without any bases whatsoever.

Also, with a written script perpetuated by the mayor most of those misguided individuals made hurtful comments to the council members that will be long remembered. It is a sad commentary that even here in Dalton Gardens, civility or, better said, the lack of it, was on full display.

That the mayor of Dalton Gardens has made such a mess of city governance and been able to deflect his poor management to the city council is astounding to me, even with his friends at The Press.

Mayor Edwards has done a terrible job working with the city council. I have seen him badger council members when the votes don’t go his way; I have seen him argue for what appears to be his own agenda on several occasions. It is clear to me that he has no interest in keeping Dalton Gardens rural. Stated plainly, he seems to want to ruin Dalton Gardens.

For the mayor to even suggest that somehow, magically, Dalton Gardens could become a part of Coeur d’Alene or Hayden is to confuse the central issue: This mayor is too busy working on his own agenda to properly serve Dalton Gardens. For the best interests of the city, there should be a vote by the council of no confidence in Mayor Edwards. Barring that, he’s the one that needs to resign.


Dalton Gardens