Friday, July 26, 2024

CDA: Then and now

| May 19, 2021 1:00 AM

I really try hard not to think about how great this city used to be now that I know its future is so dire.

We see now the right wing base will double down on their “rise up/us against them” nonsense while all the trouble it’s caused will be blamed on the usual bogeymen — Pelosi, Antifa, Biden, etc.

It has to be a perpetual sinister merry-go-round so they can be continually enraged about it. It boggles my mind why anyone would consider this to be rational. Particularly when there is so much to be really angry about.

From the political vanity of the national prayer day to the growth = jobs = prosperity formula and back over to the lust, greed and corruption of the Grand Old Party…

I found a Facebook page you would all enjoy called “Avoid Idaho.” It lists the many warnings one might give someone interested in moving here.

It’s given me quite a bit of perspective, but not as much as the many Realtor mega sites like “enjoy coeur d’alene.”

You’re dying the death of a thousand cuts and you don’t even know it. This is the perfect example of Marx’s reference to religion being the opiate of the masses!


Coeur d’Alene