Friday, July 26, 2024

Don't believe lies about hospital's health

A campaign flyer was recently distributed stating that the pandemic significantly weakened the financial position and long-term viability of Kootenai Health. We want to state that this statement is absolutely and totally false.

Kootenai Health has been consistently rated "A" by Standard and Poor's and is described as a stable and well-run organization. Our annual independent outside auditors have annually confirmed the same opinion.

The Kootenai Health Board and Administration take their financial stewardship role seriously and our results reflect the seriousness of this commitment.

2020 did challenge Kootenai Health. Through careful planning and implementation of those plans, we were able to continue to provide effective and safe medical care to our community. Kootenai Health came out of 2020 stronger than ever.

As our community continues to recover from the pandemic, it is more important than ever to elect Trustees who have extensive understanding in health care as well as the business of medicine.


Dr. Terence Neff and Katie Brodie are longtime hospital district trustees. Dr. Robert McFarland is also seeking one of three seats on the board that will be decided in Tuesday's local election.



