Friday, July 26, 2024

LEVY: Step up for community

| May 14, 2021 1:00 AM

As a veteran public school teacher and administrator in both Idaho and Washington, I knew how important it was for me to vote and support every school levy because if it failed a second time, I knew that teachers, paraeducators and classified staff would be cut.

My husband and I were fortunate to have two wonderful sons who attended public school in districts where the community supported school levies. They weren’t always easy to get passed, but through the hard work of supportive community members, parents and staff, each one passed.

Now my sons are adults, and they have careers where they can support themselves and their families, due in large part to the quality of their public schools and a community that supported public education.

Now my husband and I are retired. We don’t have kids in school now, but we both know how important it is for us to support local public school levies. Passing the levy means maintaining current levels of funding. There is no tax increase; it replaces the levy that expires. The Post Falls School District is not asking for more money. They just want to continue the programs they currently have.

We are voting yes to pay it forward for children attending Post Falls schools now and will in the future so they have the same opportunities our sons had.

Vote Yes for Post Falls schools on May 18.


Post Falls