Friday, July 26, 2024

PRAYER: Press article discouraging

| May 12, 2021 1:00 AM

I attended Thursday’s National Day of Prayer gathering in McEuen Park with a sense of curiosity and hope. And I was encouraged by the tone I encountered — which is why The Press’ article covering the event made my heart sink.

Of all the special moments he could have captured that represented the tone of that event, the front page and first paragraphs of the Local section showed one of the speakers shouting. The writer neglected to mention that it was because the microphone went out on him. He neglected to mention this prayer was about 1 minute in a lineup of many pastors from the area that led prayer for the same amount of time over a variety of topics, with responses of appreciation for our community and those who lead.

The article also said after this one pastor finished, “all Hell almost broke loose.” What? There was applause for the effort he made in light of losing his microphone then the event continued in a very positive way. While I wasn’t sure what to expect, I left encouraged and grateful for this gathering!

I’m sorry for the way this staff writer represented this event, affirming the reason so many people mistrust journalism to be fair and accurate. He missed a great opportunity to further appreciation rather than suspicion in our community.


Coeur d’Alene