Sunday, October 06, 2024

IFF: Protecting our children

| June 23, 2021 1:00 AM

Have you ever noticed how districts announce which teachers are teaching anti-family, anti-American, dysphasia and sexually explicit information to our kids? Of course not! Districts have no idea what any teacher is doing! Would they ‘allow’ such lunacy to be taught if they didn’t ‘know it?’ They flat don’t know, and don’t have to divulge union direction that allows them to approve it!

Districts have opted to stay mostly closed for a year without public approval, and they march to teachers’ unions. Typically, our districts are hysterical about ever more cash without regard for academic ‘adequacy,’ and promotion of such left wing concepts are common among their ranks. I was once one of them. (A district I taught in ‘lost’ $3M and never even tried to catch those that stole it!) District finances MUST be ‘externally’ audited yearly.

Note, our Press newspaper quickly jumps on the side against the Freedom Foundation (FF), the public and their kids. When there is a question about ‘creating’ safeguards against teaching these lunatic issues, they fail to support the community? The ‘last thing’ this community needs is our paper fighting ‘the only’ thing that stops or impedes our community from protecting our kids at school. Indeed, that protection should (of course) come from our newspaper. Thank God for the Idaho Freedom Foundation.


Post Falls