Late paper delivery a sign of the times
The fact that you’re reading this is good news, because it means you received your newspaper this morning. That’s an assumption we no longer take for granted.
Like so many other employers, The Press is facing unprecedented difficulties filling jobs. One of the most important newspaper jobs is delivering the product you’re reading right now. Today, we have roughly half the carrier force needed to deliver newspapers on time to customers throughout Kootenai County.
Subscribers have incurred a 5-cent per day rate increase, with every penny going to their carriers, who are independent contractors — they work for themselves. We are adding positions at The Press to help ease the strain, but it’s not enough. Many papers are being delivered late.
We apologize and ask for your patience. Like other employers, we’ll overcome this challenge, and what used to be normal could become so again.
In the meantime, if you or someone you know might be interested in earning extra money by delivering The Press, please contact our Circulation Department at 208-664-0220.
Clint Schroeder