Friday, October 11, 2024

PRO LIFE: Bill falls short

| February 17, 2021 1:00 AM

My fellow Idahoans, in particular those who are excited that our state Senate has introduced a “heartbeat” bill that will presumably diminish abortion in our state:

There are problems with the bill. I will name a few.

It contradicts itself. If it were passed, it would make note that the state believes that life starts at conception (18-8701-1), but in the next line, states that it will use the standard of the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) to determine life based on heartbeat. If life starts at conception, why is there a need to look for a heartbeat?

There is still a rape and incest clause. Punishing the son or daughter for the crime of the father.

THE BILL IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL AN APPELLATE COURT SAYS IT CAN BE. (18-8703) Until an appellate court says heartbeat bills are constitutional, this bill is null and void, in other words, useless and pointless. This upholds the false idea of judicial supremacy. Friends, our state legislature is full of cowards, unwilling to stand on our state sovereignty, bowing instead to a tyrannical court that loves death.

It treats the woman as a victim, allowing her to sue the abortionist after the fact. This is like allowing a man who hired a hitman to kill his wife to go free, and then allow him to sue the hitman for killing his wife. Does that make sense?

Let our legislators know you want a true pro-life bill.


Saint Maries