Sunday, October 13, 2024

BANDUCCI: Has voters’ backing

| February 14, 2021 1:00 AM

“That can’t be the Todd Banducci I know” was going through my mind while reading the My Turn calling for his resignation as Chairman of the NIC Board of Trustees.

Having served on the Coeur d’Alene School District Board of Trustees myself for four years, I know how political these boards can be. I have known Todd for nearly 10 years and consider him a friend and happily supported him during the last two elections.

Todd is an effective leader who doesn’t suffer fools. The author of the article makes all kinds of accusations but only gives one side of the argument, which can be summed up as “We don’t like Banducci.”

Apparently, the voters DO like Todd and they also like Trustees Greg McKenzie and Michael Barnes, and they expect them to fulfill their campaign promises to bring a more conservative approach to the NIC Board. Some may not like this new direction, but as former President Obama famously said, “Elections have consequences.”

It is sad to see our politics sink to the level of playground bullying where imagined slights and hurt feelings are offered as proof of wrongdoing. Adults understand that words are NOT violence and the world doesn’t have to stop turning if you don’t get your way.


Coeur d’Alene