Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Banducci should finish his term

by ANN SEDDON/Guest Opinion
| February 12, 2021 1:00 AM

In a recent My Turn a group of individuals collectively calls for the resignation of the NIC Trustee Chairman Todd Banducci. This came as no surprise to anyone familiar with the situation at NIC. I am a former school board trustee myself and I have known Todd throughout his decade-long tenure on the NIC Board. He was elected and re-elected by the good citizens in his district. As a conservative and an Air Force veteran he has a direct, no-nonsense approach to people which many find a refreshing departure from your typical elected official. You know where you stand with Todd.

Over the years, Todd has survived multiple attempts by the more liberal members of the board to excise him from their midst. Most notably was a quite possibly illegal rescinding of a vote for a district map and adopting a new map for the sole purpose of Gerrymandering Todd out of his seat on the board. This shameful behavior caused another board member, a respected civic leader, to resign in protest.

Todd is accused of some pretty bad things including; using strong language, pointing his index finger at someone, asking questions that people were uncomfortable in answering, raising his voice, fulfilling his duty as chairman to ask President MacLennan to abide by his contract, insisting that when someone volunteers to lead the Pledge of Allegiance that they actually recite the pledge and not some adulterated version, and other heinous acts. One must wonder if accusations of Russian collusion lurk in the mists.

Mr. Banducci’s greatest crime occurred during the last election when he had the flagrant audacity not only to be re-elected AGAIN but to have two additional conservatives win their contests against Democrat opponents. In the ultimate act of egregious behavior the Board of Trustees then elevated their most senior and experienced member to the position of Chairman. Trustee Wood is no longer part of the controlling faction. Oh the humanity!

The minority members of the board seem upset that the voters had their say in the leadership and direction of the NIC Board.

As for the signers of the My Turn, they collectively want to overturn the outcome of the democratic process that was our last election. They apparently believe that their judgment is superior to that of the voters. There is one illuminating fact concerning this group. Kootenai County is 54% registered Republican so if there was an issue that was important to the average citizen you would expect about half of those would be Republicans. A quick review of public voter registration information shows that of the 67 signers, only 5 were Republicans (less than 8%). This is why the argument that some elected offices are “Non-partisan” is absurd. As this group proves, people tend to associate with others who share their views.

As for Trustee Wood, if Chairman Banducci’s behavior is, in her view, so objectionable then there is an actual remedy. It is the recall. If the former NIC members had strong objections to Mr. Banducci, surely, they would have found someone to run against him in the November election.

They were taken by surprise and are now taking a cue from Washington Democrats as they again attempt to impeach President Trump, and thereby threaten other conservatives not to run or face the personal and financial consequences.

As a former CDA Schools Trustee I find Christie Wood's unprofessional behavior of politicizing a personnel matter via the media is harmful to NIC and is harmful to the community’s willingness to support this important tax-funded institution. For the sake of our community, our local college, and our students I request that Christie Wood end this one-sided personal war against a fine man and his family.

Until then, I believe the good people of Kootenai County have had their fill of unsubstantiated allegations as fodder for “Cancel Culture.” Mr. Banducci should fulfill his obligation to the voters and complete his term in office.

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Ann Seddon is a Coeur d'Alene resident.