Wednesday, October 09, 2024

ISP targeting aggressive drivers

| February 3, 2021 1:00 AM

COEUR d'ALENE — Idaho State Police troopers hope to reduce crashes by increasing patrols that look for aggressive drivers.

"If you drive, you've seen aggressive driving. Sadly, many of us know someone who's been in a crash due to aggressive driving," said Lt. Michael Winans with ISP's District 5 office in Pocatello. "Whether it's speeding, red light running, or other dangerous behavior, if our enforcement efforts can educate and motivate drivers to avoid driving aggressively, we know lives can be saved."

Extra ISP patrols are already on the road as part of a statewide education and enforcement campaign to curb aggressive driving. The extra aggressive driving patrols began Tuesday and run through Feb. 15.

"Troopers enforce aggressive driving laws every day. With extra patrols, the risk of a citation is greater," Winans said. "But hopefully, it means less risk of a deadly crash."

In new research conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and Humanetics Innovative Solutions, three identical 2010 model-year vehicles were fitted with crash test dummies and analyzed at impact speeds of 40, 50, and 56 mph. The model year was selected to reflect the average age of vehicles on American roads.

While sensors in the dummy from the 40-mph crash showed a relatively low risk of injury, the risk increased by 67% when the impact speed was raised to 56.

"Whether you’re driving a new car or one that’s been on the road for quite some time, we can’t get around the laws of physics — the faster a vehicle travels, the longer it takes to stop or slow down," said Idaho spokesman Matthew Conde.

During AAA’s 50- and 56-mph crash tests, the force of the impact pushed the steering column in and up, causing the dummy’s head to go through the deployed airbag in a process known as “bottoming out.” The dummy’s face made hard contact with the steering wheel rim, hub, or both, with strong indications of serious injury.

“Based on AAA’s new research, the emphasis on safe speeds doesn’t end at the freeway,” Conde said. “Surface streets and state highways present their share of challenges, as does driving in rural areas, where the chances of an unexpected collision with a wild animal skyrocket."

According to the Idaho Transportation Department, 74% of fatal crashes in the state occur on rural roads. About 86% of the Gem State’s total road mileage is classified as rural roadway. Because rural roads tend to have higher speed limits, crashes there can be more severe. In 2014, Idaho increased the speed limit to 80 mph in some areas — just the eighth state to do so.

AAA encourages drivers to adjust their speed during times of peak congestion, inclement weather and poor visibility.

“Just because the speedometer says it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s something we should be doing," Conde said.