Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Stop the presses: Agency cuts taxes

Staff Writer | August 20, 2021 1:00 AM

POST FALLS — Commissioners of the Post Falls Highway District announced Thursday the adoption of a 1% property tax cut for next year.

Newly elected Commissioner Chairman Jeff Tyler believes it's his job to be deeply “cognizant of the tax concerns” of Post Falls citizens.

Elected in May, Tyler was sworn in on July 7. Then he hit the ground running with workshops and budget meetings, he said.

Fueled by the concerns of Post Falls residents, the three-person team of commissioners carefully examined their operating budget, finding areas in which to save money.

Adjustments to be made include "hiring contract labor when needed and through a lease versus purchase approach to equipment," Tyler said.

Tyler also said in a press release that during the past couple of months, large fee increases were passed on to local developments, also contributing to some of the relief for property taxpayers.

The district is seeing “substantial new growth revenue” from new residents moving to the area but Tyler said the miles of road being maintained by the district remain similar to last year.

"Some districts gain miles through growth and some lose miles," Tyler said. "We have had a balance, but with more homes and businesses in the area the associated tax base increases our revenues."

The district receives two-thirds of its budget from sources other than property taxes.

Commissioners have several upcoming projects.

"There will soon be a roundabout at the corner of Prairie Avenue and Idaho Street," Tyler said. "Our portion of the cost is $474,000, but I believe we will save lives by putting it in there."

Beck Road will be improved, as well as the completion of the widening of Prairie Avenue to Highway 41.

Work on Prairie will begin in October as soon as funding is received from the state, Tyler said.

Other projects on the highway district's radar include connecting Poleline Avenue to Hanley Road, connecting Mullan Avenue to Nez Perce Road and connecting West Nagel Road to Greensferry Road.

"All these east-west roads will relieve traffic issues on north-south roads too," Tyler said. “I believe that at the Post Falls Highway District, working as a team we will be able to continue to provide and strive to exceed the good service Post Falls is accustomed to.”

Tyler represents sub-district 2 and serves with David Russell, representing sub-district 1, and Lynn Humphreys for sub-district 3.

Highway District commissioner meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays monthly at 6 p.m. in the commissioners meeting room at the district office, 5629 E. Seltice Way in Post Falls.

Agendas and schedules can be found on the highway district website: postfallshd.com and meetings are streamed on the highway district's Facebook page.


Photo courtesy of Jeff Tyler

Jeff Tyler, Post Falls Highway District Commissioner Chairman