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ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Body talk

by SHEREE DiBIASE, PT/Lake City Physical Therapy
| April 28, 2021 1:00 AM

Oftentimes with acute injuries like a fall, it is easy to know that the injury is serious. However other times, especially with my athletes, it may be more difficult to identify whether an injury is something to worry about or not. Usually my athletes deal with aches and pains every day. In fact, the first day of their season is usually their best day; after that they always have something nagging them. But how do they know when that constant irritation might be a signal of something worse? Certain symptoms may indicate other, more serious problems are present and it is important that they understand the warning signs and when to seek professional help. Here are some important signs and symptoms to watch for:

1) Pain — if you have persistent pain that is not really going away with rest. If you have pain when you touch an area, whether it is muscle, joint or bone, it could be serious. If you have pain that is getting worse instead of better, then you need to see your healthcare provider.

2) Swelling — if you have a great deal of swelling in an area and the swelling does not subside with ice, elevation, compression and rest. If the swelling increases with joint movements and activity, then this is a signal for you to have it accessed.

3) Loss of motion at a joint — If a joint feels stiff, like it doesn’t want to move, has a sharp, throbbing pain when you try to use it and it lasts more than 48 hours you need to see your MD.

4) Weakness — Muscles and joints that feel like they want to “give way” when you try to use them is a sure sign that something is not right with either the muscles, joints or both. You should be symmetrical on both arms and legs. If one side can do the motion and the other side is unable to do it, then something is wrong and needs to be looked at by a professional.

5) Numbness and Tingling — If you ever have any numbness and tingling associated with any injury this is a sign that a nerve has been compromised and this needs to be assessed by your MD. Numbness and tingling is not normal and needs to be dealt with quickly so as not to damage the nerve.

6) Loss of mobility — Any loss of mobility, whether in muscles or other soft tissue, is a signal something is not right. An old scar from surgery may be too tight and when you started training, it hurt and made other tissue painful.

7) Loss of Balance — Any unusual, unexplained loss of balance during your daily activities or training needs to be discussed with your MD if it does not subside. You should be able to stand on one leg for three minutes if you train regularly.

Many of us, whether athletes or not, sometimes push our bodies too hard and do not listen to the warning signs that our body is talking to us about, like that back pain that happens every day on our drive to work, that shoulder that is so stiff you can’t put your arm behind your back and that foot that swells every day after standing at work. Many times, more serious issues can be avoided if we just listen and decide to be proactive. Start with easy care first, like rest, ice, compression and elevation. If the body does not respond, then seek the attention of your physical therapist. They are movement specialists; it’s what they do every day. They can screen you and help to determine if you have a more serious injury. If multiple symptoms listed above are affecting you and you are unable to participate in your daily life, gym, or sports, please call to see your MD. You want to quickly resolve issues before they cause more problems.

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Sheree DiBiase, PT, is the owner of Lake City Physical Therapy, and she and her incredible staff want you to take care of yourself and be well. Please take the step. We can help. Call: Hayden, 208-762-2100; Coeur d'Alene, 208-667-1988; Spokane Valley, 509-891-2623