Sunday, March 16, 2025

Done with KCRCC cult club

by CHRISTIE WOOD/Guest Opinion
| April 17, 2021 1:00 AM

As an elected official I appreciate the recent Op Ed by Dan Gookin exposing the tactic and goals of the local Republican Central Committee. I too have been singled out for not meeting the strict standards of Republican Party purity.

For decades I voted Republican on the legislative and national tickets. I also joined the local chapter of Kootenai County Republican Women. In 2000 I was appointed to the CDA School Board, and then later elected to serve a total of eight years. In 2004 I was elected to the North Idaho College Board and remain on that board today.

In 2019 I was elected to the CDA City Council. As a retired law enforcement officer I was endorsed by both the CDA Police Association and the CDA Fire Union. All of these are non-partisan positions that require individuals who will focus on the needs of the local community, not national politics.

Ten years ago the head of the local Regan Republican club issued a warning to me on Dave Oliveria's very popular blog. He said that I had been seen talking to a Democrat and I had better watch it! Apparently the cult/group rules are very strict about that. I told him very clearly I answer to no club. The final straw was the Lincoln Day Dinner. My good friend invited me to attend with him and tried to seat me at a table with some Republicans I had known for a very long time. They objected because I was not pure enough. I remember feeling completely humiliated. You see I had been championing human rights and dignity for all in my work with the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and that included the LGBTQ community. That is apparently against cult rules. You must scorn certain people or you can't be part of the club/cult.

As a birthday present to myself that year I drove to the elections office and changed my affiliation to Independent. My good friend who had kindly escorted me to the Lincoln Day Dinner warned me "that he would no longer be able to protect me."

I have never looked back and never regretted it. I don't need protection from these people. If the voters decide they want to go a different direction with another candidate I will always respect that. But I will never respect ostracizing fellow humans, group think, and fealty to Dear Leader. Thank you Dan Gookin for helping citizens understand what has happened to the local Republican Central Committee. They don't represent local interests.


Christie Wood is a Coeur d'Alene resident.