Friday, October 11, 2024

ABORTION: The American Holocaust

| April 14, 2021 1:00 AM

As a chaplain, I have worked with many people, but one I specifically remember is a woman in her 80s that still had nightmares because at the age of 19 she had an abortion.

I also heard of an abortion nurse who quit when a baby cried while being euthanized.

Holocaust and Hitler’s Regime: Millions of people were put to death, but it was far less than the abortions that have been done in the United States. Our nation sometimes places uncaring people in leadership, even in our court systems, who rule in favor of abortion. This is how our American Holocaust is put into place.

In 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of laws that criminalized access to abortions. They ruled in favor of women’s rights regarding abortion access! Isn’t this manslaughter, knowing lives will be taken? The ones performing these abortions hide behind corrupt laws established by our law makers.

Even I accepted a woman’s right until I saw a picture of a fetus sucking its thumb.

We all currently have an opportunity. It is our right and responsibility to make our voices heard regarding Senate Bill 1183. This bill adds to the existing law to prohibit an abortion following detection of a fetal heartbeat. We can use our voices to protect those who cannot yet speak for themselves. Their heart is beating; they are alive and deserve the same protection we would give to any other child that has been born.

