Wednesday, October 09, 2024

SHERIFF: Hard to figure

| October 28, 2020 1:00 AM

The Sheriff’s race is very tough with charges and counter charges. Finding a reliable source of trustworthy unbiased information makes it doubly tough.

Casey Whalen, a local patriot honest citizen, has done an interesting report about our local candidates and has posted it on YouTube. One candidate served in a tainted L.A. Sheriff’s Department where the sheriff and some of his close support were indicted for corruption. The sheriff was convicted. Still, not everyone on the “Blacksox” took team bribe money, but it is referred to as the Blacksox.

The question in my mind is why a person with a substantial disability settlement would spend this much money for this job. On the other hand, the other candidate that also served in the LASD was endorsed by Spokane’s Sheriff Ozzie, who likes to label us as racists. Am I a racist because I do not want to see our downtown looted and burned by Marxists? I hear candidate Bauer has renounced that endorsement.

On the $50 registration fee increase for 20 years, the highway projects listed, though on my edition of The Press that section was very fuzzy, would have no impact on the traffic in the U.S. 95 photo on the front page. Make up your own mind.

