Thursday, December 26, 2024

ADVICE: Check ‘them’ out

| October 28, 2020 1:00 AM

I have had no television for more than 30 years. I get my news primarily from the internet and radio.

Time is short before our next election. In this polarized world, I remind you that we are all citizens of the United States with grave concerns about our country. Most people on both sides of the aisle are good hearted and well-intentioned. They just disagree.

With that in mind, I challenge those on each side to tune into media from the other side. Make a commitment to spend equal time with opposing viewpoints with an open mind from now until the election, and beyond.

For every hour of Fox, watch an hour of MSNBC and vice versa. I picked polar opposites here, but all of the other networks deserve our attention as well.

Examples: An hour of Rachel Maddow for an hour of Sean Hannity; an hour of Fox and Friends for perhaps The View; Anderson Cooper for Glenn Beck. You get the idea. And you might be surprised about what you learn. Both sides can be snarky, but it might allow for a better family Thanksgiving dinner if you have spent time with different points of view.

We are truly all in this together. We need to step out of our echo chambers and listen to others outside our own safe circle. Let’s see if we can get along a little better and move forward as a nation.

Wishing all of you the best.

