Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Masks: a recommendation, not a requirement

Staff Writer | October 23, 2020 1:00 AM

The Lakeland School District board of trustees plans to discuss changes to its reopening plan in a special meeting this morning after the Panhandle Health District placed Kootenai County in the "red" risk category.

Since the first day of school, the Lakeland School District has followed a level "yellow" modified traditional schedule where students attend school in-person five days a week.

Per their reopening plan, the district installed precautions like social distancing and the recommendation of facial coverings like masks and shields when distance cannot be maintained. Full-time online opportunities are also available for students and families uncomfortable with in-person learning.

The district has encouraged parents to screen students daily before attending school and keep symptomatic individuals at home. Deep-cleaning methods and social distancing have also increased around the district.

Lisa Sexton, Lakeland School District’s assistant superintendent, said they planned to stay in "yellow" as of Wednesday, despite Kootenai County and the Coeur d’Alene School District’s move to orange earlier this month.

“Our board takes the guidance from Panhandle Health District into consideration, but they are also trying to look at what is happening in our district,” Sexton said. “They found that students learn better when they are actually in school, so we are trying to keep them there as long as possible.”

When reopening, the board recommended students and teachers wear masks, but they have left it to parents to decide whether their child participates. Principals have reported varying amounts of facial coverings, Sexton said, but the overall participation is low.

“If a family is adamantly opposed to wearing masks, do you let the kid in the school, do you deny them an education?" she said. "These are the questions that led the board to say it is a parent decision.”

Sexton said the Lakeland School District has seen few cases come of their 4,300 students but didn’t know the exact number.

The decision to remain five days a week was to create consistency for families, Sexton said.

“We are doing our best to take care of our kids and educating them the best way we can," she said.

Lakeland School District trustees will meet at 8 this morning virtually to discuss reopening plans. Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene school boards also have meetings scheduled today.