TRUMP: The leader Congress is not
Finally, the American people hired a real leader, not a politician, as president. Most lovers of America admire our clear talking and acting president. His results have been fabulous especially after President Obama predicted that America’s “Best days were behind us!” Then, why is it that conservatives in Congress who are hired to represent the people fail to support his efforts? Is it that they have never learned how to follow a real leader?
Where have those representatives of the people — Congress — been during the four years of his massive accomplishments for America? Few are to be found as his supporters!
Yet, these insider politicians believe they should be reelected again and again! Most of them apparently believe they and their generations are owed the privilege of living forever off the D.C. trough!
Congress refuses to limit their own longevity in office, are allowed to spend a large portion of every day doing (citizen illegal) insider investment trading and connecting mainly with insiders. Congress has voted themselves pay increase in the middle of the night, have approval ratings less than 15%, and have merely watched as Biden and his son fleeced millions of dollars from Ukraine — and pocketed the cash. Since giving trillions of our economy to China, just how many such U.S. job-destroying relationships have been allowed to be created with foreign countries by our congressmen?
During my almost 80 years, America has never seen a more competent president. True, he’s a way different guy, but he has shown the blueprint of how to win for America. Why would we now re-elect ever-patronizing congressional insiders who promote mostly themselves and their personally motivated agendas?
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