POLICE: Guarding the guards
Thank you for your op-ed column, Jarod Coon. One of the first things I learned during my 30-year career as a peace officer was truth is its own defense. Jarod Coon has told the truth. These words should give food for thought to those who have taken the oath and still wear the badge.
Now before all of you flag-wavers start huffing and puffing, you should know those Moscow police officers and the public officials above them were in direct violation of federal law: Title 18, Section 242 of the United States Code — Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Authority. However, I doubt if any federal prosecutor or federal grand jury will take them to task over their egregious conduct. Sad that.
I am reminded of the quote by the Roman poet, Juvenal: “Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?” — “But who guards the guards themselves?” Our God-given liberties are being destroyed in small increments by government at all levels. And, it cannot be accomplished without the full cooperation of the police. Plan accordingly.
Post Falls