Friday, March 14, 2025

Plenty of books available from local Christian authors

by BOB SHILLINGSTAD/Special to the Press
| November 28, 2020 1:00 AM

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” -Ephesians 5:15-17

This weekend begins the Christmas shopping season and thought it would be a good time to highlight local Christian authors and their books. This is not without some issues, I may miss some other authors and I apologize ahead of time. I have been impressed with the local authors and the quality of their writing. Hopefully some of these books might be a fit for someone’s gift this Christmas and be a positive message as we end the year 2020. Sometimes this can be a subtle way of witnessing to a relative or friend.

Steve Marr had a long career in international trade and an astute businessman and committed Christian. One of his books is Proverbs For Business and is one that I have given to many friends and relatives it not only applies to business but how to live your life.

Jim Hollingsworth has written a couple books recently that are interesting. The first is Climate Change- A Convenient Change which is a book written from a Christian world view designed for students and written at a sixth grade level. His latest book is a biography of Cortez and written at a high school level and a fascinating book about exploration and events that were amazing.

Brandilyn Collins is a prolific writer that is a local resident who has written more than 30 books. One of her latest is a non-fiction book written with Donna Ward, wife of baseball star Turner Ward, on her journey facing cancer and depression that is an inspiring testimony. If you like exciting fiction one of her newest is Plummet that takes place in a small Idaho town and takes you on a roller coaster ride of suspense!

Jim Grassi leads a men’s ministry called “Men’s Ministry Catalyst” and is another local author who has written many books designed for men. Jim has a daily devotional entitled Beside Still Waters which is available as a special gift edition. He has many other books like Finishing Well, Finishing Strong are among many books that are a great book for the men in your life.

The List is a book written by two local authors Buck Storm and Bill Perkins which is the story in novel form that takes the reader through the three years of Jesus’ miraculous ministry from a Jewish perspective. This book won second place for the Christian Market Novel of the year! As you read the events through the eyes of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea which will make this period come to life. Set against the spectacle and grandeur of ancient Israel and the brutal violence of the Roman Empire, here is a tale not be missed.

Buck Storm has written a number of books and also wrote a sequel to The List entitled The Light. Buck is a master storyteller and takes you on the story after the resurrection of Christ and how the world changed. Another new novel from Buck is The Beautiful Ashes of Gomez Gomez which is fascinating story of a man named Gomez Gomez who goes through tragedy when his wife is killed in a head-on collision. It is a quirky, heartfelt, and deeply human story stretching across decades and continents but an epic story of forgiveness, redemption and love.

Of course there are so many books that uplift, entertain and educate. Sugar Creek Gang series for young boys, Anne of Green Gables or Little House on the Prairie for girls. Reading books aloud in the evening as a devotional can build the faith of children. My wife Jane and read dozens of books aloud for devotions when our children were young. The stories contained in books like The Hiding Place, Cross and The Switchblade or God’s Smuggler kept our children asking to “read just one more chapter.”

Most of these books are available at the Sower Book Store locally, online or the author’s website. The message of this column is buy local, support local authors and look for ways to be a witness and grow your faith.

“But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance.” -Luke 8:15