Monday, October 14, 2024

FLAGS: Citing other protests

| November 27, 2020 1:00 AM

Several letters have expressed anger at the upside down flags flown in protest. I didn’t hear these expressions of outrage over the flags that have been burned, shredded and stomped on, in the paper.

Now who are we to suppose was behind them and now they suddenly see no further purpose in continuing? And to that point, Democrat cities, Portland, San Francisco, New York, and more, who’s going to pay to rebuild those cities and make those business owners whose shops were torched whole again?

And nitpicking gripers are appalled at seeing a display of dissatisfaction and suspicion of the outcome of a so-called election?

We have spent four years seeing our President work day and night to right a ship that was listing so badly. He was vilified, called obnoxious names, accused of vile behavior toward his family members, loudly criticized for his sincere display of Christianity and had his name and his family members’ names dragged through the dirt.

As Republicans, we have always respected our flag and our anthem as symbols of our great country. We’ve seen pictures of patriots picking up a flag that’s fallen and boys on our playground ever so carefully folding a flag at their school, being careful not to let it touch the ground.

Give it up and get off the constant barrage of assault on our opinions. We may be looking at way worse things coming down the pike.

We’ve also been accused of being a “one party dominated system,” which is a total joke. But don’t get me started. Lord bless and keep us all!

