Friday, March 14, 2025

MASKS: Right choice, Hayden

| November 18, 2020 1:00 AM

First, I would like to thank the Hayden City Council for declining the mask mandate and choosing to allow their citizens to be adults. If you feel you are at risk, you should not be going out in public. You can have anything you need delivered to your home. If you go out and choose to wear a mask and keep your distance from others but demand I wear a mask also, it’s clear you do not believe that masks work.

Next, Panhandle Health needs to break down the data and give us info so we can choose where to go. Who are the people who have COVID and where did they contract it. In what cities do they work, did they get infected at work, did someone else bring it home, and if confined to the hospital what are their ages and health issues. Also, when someone tests positive but it turns out to be a false positive, do you correct the numbers you report to reflect that info. This is all info we the public should have so we can make intelligent decisions for ourselves.

I am 78 years old and will not wear a mask outside in the fresh air. It is absurd that people are riding bicycles, driving alone in their cars and taking walks wearing masks. And, it is irresponsible for our public health officials not to make clear the dangers of wearing dirty masks.

