Sunday, October 06, 2024

Hospital CEO: Gratitude for our heroes

| November 15, 2020 1:00 AM


Special to The Press

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ― G.K. Chesterton

Health care workers across the country are fighting in what is currently a losing battle. Kootenai Health is no different.

Public health districts across the state are moving into the red zone for COVID-19 positivity. Our local hospital is consistently at or near full capacity. Our employees are personally challenged due to illness, childcare issues, stress and COVID-19 fatigue. On top of all of this, we know it will only get worse before it gets better.

However, even in the face of these incredible odds our employees and physicians continue to show up, continue to provide excellent care, and continue to fight for what they love most; their family and friends, their co-workers, and their community.

Our employees’ dedication and sacrifice fills me with hope and gratitude. This pandemic has given us all the opportunity to see the true character of our friends, neighbors, and leaders. Although there have been some moments which no one is proud of, I get to see many more positive moments every day as I watch and work with ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Our response has never been to give up. Rather, it has been to show up, innovate, and adapt. Kootenai Health staff members found creative solutions to make the impossible possible. They set up our region’s first COVID-19 testing facility, sanitized equipment with ultraviolet light, made our own hand sanitizer, found creative ways to conserve and reuse personal protective equipment, and numerous other innovative solutions.

Our physicians rallied to raise awareness in our community and advocate for public health while learning about the treatment of patients during a pandemic. Our nurses have worked endless hours to care for patients, support their families, and be there for one another.

Behind the frontlines, we have staff cleaning, sanitizing, cooking, and everyone is constantly relearning how to operate in the world of COVID-19. Every day these amazing employees stand shoulder to shoulder despite what they are up against. They are brave, selfless, and here to care for others when no one else is willing or able.

These people are not just employees and physicians, they are heroes. They are facing a growing pandemic with strength and compassion. They are facing capacity struggles and staffing issues with teamwork and extreme safety measures. And even more, they are overcoming pockets of negativity in the community and uncertainty in the future with renewed engagement in their work.

To these heroes in our midst, I want to express my sincerest gratitude. To anyone in our community who has lent their support, voice, talents, or who simply does their best to keep themselves and others healthy, your efforts are seen and appreciated.

We may have lost some battles, and we may lose a few more. Nevertheless, when you truly love what it is you are fighting for, the war will not be lost. Above all else, we will have each other.

Jon Ness is Kootenai Health CEO.