Monday, October 07, 2024

FLAGS: Protest disrespectful

| November 13, 2020 1:00 AM

If we displayed political signs, our yard would have a “His” (Trump) and a “Hers” (Biden). But there are no signs in the yard of our Hayden home.

I do, however, have a “ByeDon” bumper sticker on my car. Two weeks ago, the day after our early October snowfall, my husband and I were driving on the still-slippery Highway 41 when a big truck with oversized tires drove right up on my back bumper and remained dangerously close until, with a screech, it passed me on the right where no lane existed. We then saw the ostentatious Trump flag flying from the back of the truck.

My husband was taken aback by the aggressive actions of this dangerous driver. We both surmised that my pro-Biden sticker was the source of his rage. This was neither the first nor the last time I’ve experienced similar since donning my bumper sticker. But since my husband rarely is in my car, it was the only time he had experienced it. Being retired law enforcement and concerned for my safety, he encourages me to remove my bumper sticker. Not one to bow to intimidation, I refuse.

Now the Nov. 7 edition of The Press reports that some of our pro-Trump neighbors have started flying their American flags upside down. Their disrespect to our country and our democracy is disheartening to me. Hopefully, as our bullying president is replaced with one who encourages respectfulness and unity, the example he sets will alleviate these boorish behaviors.

