Friday, March 14, 2025

SHERIFF: Election result worrisome

| November 11, 2020 1:00 AM

For many, it’s just starting to settle in that we now have a California cop as our Sheriff. As the Kootenai County Sheriff race came to a close, it became very clear to many that our local Republican Party had failed in their duty to properly vet its candidates.

As a lifelong Republican and Kootenai County native, this was truly saddening to watch. As election day approached, it was evident that the Republicans would easily win the Sheriff’s race, once again, with their posse of uninformed voters that would mindlessly vote (R) up and down the ballot.

Unfortunately, it’s become apparent to me and many others that being a conservative in this county is no longer the same as being a Republican. These next four years have the potential to be the most fascinating and possibly the most divisive four years in our county’s history. Elections have consequences, and we’re about to learn that.


Coeur d’Alene