VEHICLE FEE: Equitable is key
The response from Glenn Miles in Wednesday’s Press regarding the voters outcome was appalling and childish … my way (fee) or I will take revenge by doing nothing so you can suffer in the congestion.
It appears the KMPO is not listening to what the voters have been saying all through the election process. We all agree something has to be done, and it will require funding from all of us. We just want something more equitable, so everyone using our roads is sharing in the cost.
By the way, I have an ATV, and it is only driven in the back woods. Why should I pay the fee (ATV) when the out-of-state vehicles add to the road problems for free, and then there Is the whole cost of growth issue?
Go back to the drawing board, and don’t wait too long as this unsustainable growth will take us all down when you can’t get from one side of town to the other.
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