COVID-19 closes Lake City Center
COEUR d’ALENE — The Lake City Center is expected to be closed nine more days after someone there was diagnosed with the coronavirus.
Director Marlys Silva said Friday the center has undergone a week of cleaning and sterilizing, and after some events this weekend it was committed to host, there will be even more cleaning and disinfecting.
The plan is to reopen Nov. 16.
“I would love to be open but not at the expense of people's health,” Silva said.
The center, which hosts and provides an array of community and senior programs and services, was closed Oct. 31 when Silva learned a person connected to the center had COVID-19. She could not say if it was an employee or a visitor.
“As soon as I was told, we shut the center down,” she said.
The news was posted on the center’s website.
“We have been exposed and need time to deep clean the center. Please stay well and we will keep you updated. Meals on Wheels will continue as usual. At this time to our knowledge there has been no exposure to our kitchen or staff,” read a message from Silva.
She said she has received calls from people worried that they might have been exposed to the virus.
She told callers they should consult their doctor or consider being tested for the virus.
“I do understand their concern,” she said.
Silva came on board as director when Bob Small retired in July. She had been administrative assistant.
She said this has been a difficult, stressful situation and perhaps the most challenging in the short time she's been in charge of the popular center off Northwest Boulevard.
“I’m just kind of putting fires out,” she said.
Going forward, Silva said the center will have to enforce stronger mask measures and probably begin taking temperatures of people as they enter.
“We want everyone to be safe,” she said.
Meals on Wheels will continue to deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The drive-thru meal pickup program has been temporarily shut down and no one will be allowed inside for lunch.